Finding the right technology is challenging enough, but adopting that technology can be downright daunting. In fact, the term “technostress” was even coined to identify the negative psychological link between people and the introduction of new technology.
The reality is, many licensing organizations feel trapped by systems that are too complex and take too long to implement or change. While change management plans are often put in place, ineffective or overwhelming implementations are, unfortunately, all too common. Many plans find success in one area but not in all areas impacted by the change.
We’ve all likely heard the commonly talked about statistic that 70% of change initiatives fail to achieve their goals. While there is a handful of contributing factors to why these numbers are so high, it’s clear that many organizations aren’t using the right strategies to effectively handle change management when it comes to technology adoption.
But for licensing organizations looking to modernize with new technology, that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, by migrating to a configurable cloud-based solution that enables expansion over time, you’ll avoid the issues, challenges, and headaches that come with a major overhaul. So, before you develop a plan or decide on a licensing solution, here are a few ways starting small allows for effective change management.
Creates more seamless workflow transitions
While adopting a new licensing solution is meant to increase efficiency and effectiveness, one of the biggest pitfalls is that platforms are designed around your current processes and workflows. Organization-wide, broad implementations take into account all of your workflows as they are, prior to any new technology adoption, and attempt to solve for all of them from the get-go.
The problem with that approach is many workflows are often upended and the transition can be far from smooth. With your organization already committed to a full-fledged overhaul, finding hiccups in one area of your processes trickles down into other areas, creating gaps and inefficiencies.
Using an incremental approach allows your organization to focus on critical workflows first, while seeing how your team transitions to those workflows, and then lets you identify the next steps based on how smooth (or rough) those transitions are.
Allows for proper organizational analysis and adjustments
Being saddled with a massive technological implementation could be compared to jumping into the deep end of a pool — a cold pool. Even if you’re prepared, it’s still a shock to the system and you may find yourself spending more time trying to stay afloat than moving forward. Across-the-board changes result in new ways of managing most licensing processes, with very little time to properly adjust.
By incrementally introducing technology and digitizing core processes, it enables your team to adequately map out your analysis and adjustment periods. Once you’ve implemented a solution for a particular process or problem, it’s much easier for your organization to analyze that smaller segment and make adjustments moving forward. This approach has several advantages. It allows your organization to prove out use cases and work through issues on a smaller scale, demonstrate success to secure additional budget, and more easily identify the next use case to prioritize and how to address it.
As much as implementation and change are difficult, it’s also an ongoing process. Even change management strategies are commonly analyzed and adjusted throughout a project.
Actively engages your entire team throughout the process
An effective change management plan starts with your teams and the individuals who are managing your processes on a day-to-day basis. When they’re involved in the modernization of those processes and the integration of a new licensing solution, it leads to greater adoption and success all around.
If you take an “all-in” approach to new technology adoption, your teams may be able to provide feedback but your organization is still essentially locked into a solution and you run the risk of implementing a company-wide system that works for some, but not all teams and their specific workflows.
Instead, if your organization plans to start small, and adopt solutions incrementally with the team engaged every step of the way, it ensures you build a solution they’ll actually use. Using their experience with the initial phases of adoption, your organization can also continue to evolve change management plans, thus improving its effectiveness for your entire organization.
Taking smaller steps in your tech adoption versus an overwhelming overhaul, not only helps you create an effective change management plan, but allows your team to better identify what they need next as they adapt to the new systems put in place. All of which goes a long way towards setting yourself up for future success.