Visual Workflow

The main purpose of visual workflow is to automate complex business processes without any piece of code and to increase productivity.You can create a flow to navigate a user through a series of screens and provide branching based on input. You can also execute business flows and logic such as calculating complex formulae.

Mass Reassign Teams

Mass Reassign is a tool to reassign the team members of Account and Opportunity teams. This feature is available only for Accounts and Opportunities.  An account team is a team of users who work together on an account to track collaboration of account-related activities easily.

Programming Mistake Detector (PMD)

Programming Mistake Detector (PMD) is a tool used to detect common mistakes made in the code by defining the rule sets. We can use the standard rules or we can define custom rules. We can also use PMD with Eclipse, but we don’t need to define the Rule set.

Preventing XSS with ​Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a W3C standard introduced to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), clickjacking and other attacks as the result of code injection in a web page. It is a computer security standard recommended by W3C Working Group which is supported by almost all major modern web browsers.

Agile Accelerator


Rally is a project management tool used to track each phase of the development iterations and releases. This tool is also used to map defects with the user stories.

The rally software is free for ten users and five projects for unlimited time and Jira does not provide free trial for 10 users, but it is a paid tool.


STEP 1:  

Go to the following URL( and login using valid credentials.

STEP 2: 

Click on Workspace & project present in the setup page.

STEP 3: 

3.1Click on add projects ( ) present in the page

3.2. Enter the project name as “Testing Project”.

3.3. Click on “Save & close” present in the page.

STEP 4: 

Click on “Back to project” present in the page.

STEP 5: 

5.1 Click on “plan” present in the page.

5.2. You can add backlog, user stories, Time boxes, and Team planning.

5.2.1. BACKLOG:

Backlog is the collection of user stories and any open defects that are not done in a particular sprint based on the priority of the client but moved to the next sprint.


The user story is the high-level requirement of the client and It is broken down into multiple tasks such as develop, test, and deploy the build tasks.

5.2.3 TASKS:

The task is used to list out all the active tasks for the team members.


The time box refers to the time boundary for the specific task. It usually involves handling deliverables and deadlines, which can improve the productivity of the user.


Team planning is a Beta version in the rally and it is used to maintain the project backlog and project plan for the releases. It is used to increase the efficiency of the team members.

STEP 6: 

6.1. Click on “Track” present in the page.

6.2. You can view Iteration status, team status, release status, release metrics and tasks.


Iteration status is used to show the Iteration end, planned velocity, accepted rate and shows iteration status in charts. These charts can be used in iterations: Pie chart, Burndown chart and Cumulative flow chart. PLANNED VELOCITY:

The total number of story points present in the iterations is called as planned velocity. ACCEPTED RATE:

The total number of story points accepted by the clients in the iterations is called as accepted rate.


The team status is used to find the tasks assigned to the members of the team and track progression of tasks.


The release status is used to find out the No of days remaining in the release, and it is used to track the release status.


The release metrics is used to map the scheduled products, products accepted, remaining time, total no test cases, test cases passed, defects active and total no of defects in the release.

STEP 7: 

7.1. Click on “Quality” present in the page.

7.2. You can add defects and defect suites.

7.2.1. DEFECTS:

A Software Defect indicates the software does not meet the requirement specification.


A collection of defects has single unit for resolution in an assigned iteration or release is called defect suites.

STEP 8: 

8.1. Click on “Reports” present in the page.

8.2. You can add reports and defect suites.

8.2.1 REPORTS:

Reports is a pictorial representation used to track your work in releases and iterations.


Rally is one of the most comprehensive agile project management tools, and it helps you track your projects’ progress Iteratively, assign stories to iterations, split stories to tasks, tag defects to stories etc. The tool also helps you monitor your teams’ progress.


RALLY- AGILE Project Management Tool

Rally is a project management tool used to track each phase of the development iterations and releases. This tool is also used to map defects with the user stories.