What Should You Budget for a Digital Licensing Solution?

Most organizations are expected to undergo digital transformation at some point as establishing a digital business has become top of mind across nearly every industry. According to IDG, 91% of organizations have adopted, or have plans to adopt, a “digital-first” business strategy. And for many, this has become a very urgent reality over the last several months.
How to Start Your Licensing Agency’s Digitization with a Limited Budget

In recent years and particularly in recent months, numerous factors have forced state and local governments to reassess their spending. Now, Licensing agencies are facing a considerable dilemma these days — modernize processes while working with a limited budget. But there are solutions for digitizing with a limited budget.
Why Licensing Agencies Need to Modernize Now

The last several months have brought a new sense of urgency to something licensing agency leaders have known for a while: migrating to the cloud is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity.
How Licensing Organizations Can Support a Virtual Team

COVID-19 forced a massive experiment in telework and the delivery of services in a virtual environment. Now, technology leaders across state and local government organizations are being asked to expand telework strategies and delivery of services online over the long term.
Advice for Licensing Agencies Evaluating Technology Partners and Platforms

If your licensing organization is evaluating solutions to enable automation and delivery of virtual services, it’s natural to prioritize finding the right technology over aligning with the right implementation partner. Here’s why you should consider the partner first.
Investing in New Licensing Technology? Start by Establishing a Baseline

When was the last time your team documented your agency’s processes or set benchmarks to measure performance? If you’re like most, it’s likely been a while, if at all.
4 Pitfalls To Avoid When Implementing New Licensing Technology

In theory, new technology should make the work of overloaded licensing agencies better and faster, and save valuable time and resources. But all too often, this is not the outcome. Why?
3 Steps Every Licensing Agency Should Take Before Selecting A New Technology And Partner

New technology implementations often run over budget, stretch beyond proposed completion dates, and don’t live up to expectations. How do you avoid this fate? Believe it or not, it starts with the request for information (RFI) and request for proposal (RFP).
Why the Licensing Sector Must Adapt to Thrive in the Future

Public sector licensing agencies must think about digitizing now more than ever. COVID-19 exposed the weaknesses inherent to manual, paper-based processes and, undoubtedly, stakeholders will be calling on agencies to make significant changes.