Salesforce Metadata Search
Metadata search is one of the best ways to search all the metadata components in our sandbox org or production org. If you’re tired of searching a specific component by browsing to each of the Workflows, Classes, Pages, Fields, Objects, Reports, Dashboards and other components from the setup, then this is the app meant for you.
Decision on Demand- App Exchange
Decision on Demand app makes the Lead and Case assignment easier. In Salesforce, we already have a feature called Assignment Rule can be used only for Lead and Case objects. There are some limitations with the number of rules; as of now, only 25 rules can be created under an Assignment Rule.
Salesforce Big Object and Async Query
Big Object – A feature that addresses the data Challenges in Salesforce Platform “Big Data ->”
Mass Edit from List Views in Salesforce
The Mass Edit from List Views is mainly used when users want to edit multiple records at the same time in List Views instead of without opening each record individually.
Converting PDF to FLIP Book using CMS Plugin
The PDF Viewer flip book is used to view the project, stories in flip book format. This format will contain a series of content and set of pictures that gradually move from one page to the next page when the pages are turned
Email-to-Case Attachments as Salesforce Files
The Email-to-Case functionality is mainly used when the user wants to create a Case in Salesforce through Email. If the user attached one or more documents while to the Case, the attachments in Email-to-Case messages are automatically converted into Salesforce Files.
Salesforce Workbench
Workbench is a powerful, web-based suite of tools designed to interact with organizations via the APIs.
Integration of WordPress With Salesforce
An Organization’s website plays a major role to bring in more customers and grow revenue of the organization. The content of the website helps create a bond with the customers by identifying their needs as well as be address their problems and resolving it. The WordPress helps create and publish the contents of those web pages, effectively.
Salesforce XL-Connector
This article defines the process of Salesforce Data Management using the Excel Connector.