Automation Testing with BrowserStack
BrowserStack is one of the cloud based tools used to do the Cross-browser testing with the most accurate results. Nowadays, Automation Testing plays the significant role in the testing environment. To have the maximum test coverage, all the Test engineers move towards the Automation testing. For that purpose, BrowserStack enables the distinctive features for the users called Automate.
Unit test never fails with Smart Factory
Salesforce Unit test will fail, if we get a new change request to add a new “Required” field to an object and if the existing test classes create the same object. Besides, if we have created the same object’s test record in many classes, then we need to update all the classes before deployment.
Software Testing

Software testing is a process of verifying and validating the software application. The application should meet the business requirements and mainly focused on three categories.
Cross browser testing using Jenkins with Parallel Execution
Jenkins is a Continues integration testing tool. It is an open source automation server used to build a software, test and deploy the software. There are many plugins are available in Jenkins tool.
Automating Salesforce Testing by Using Cucumber
Cucumber is a software testing tool used to automate ‘Acceptance tests’. Cucumber supports Ruby & Java for writing test scripts, and it uses “Selenium Web Driver or Watir Web Driver” for simulating browser windows.
Test Class Generator App
Test classes are used by Salesforce to make sure that any Apex customization you try to deploy into an org will operate properly. Salesforce will run all test classes and if they don’t all pass, you will not be able to deploy code to the org.
Running Multiple Tests Simultaneously using Cucumber Grid
If we want to run our tests against multiple browsers with different versions and if the browsers are running on different operating systems, then Grids is the right solution.
Automated Salesforce Testing Using Selenium Webdriver
Selenium is an open source automation testing tool used for browser based ‘Regression Testing’. It is used to automate Cross-Browser testing across different platforms, and supported by multiple programming languages.