Adobe Echo sign is one of the top ranked app in the AppExchange for the e-signature, and it is used by most of the customers who are using the salesforce and it is the most convenient and unique app for the e-signature solutions
Why consider an e-signature solution?
- An e-signature is the most efficient way to close our deals because it provides an easy way to get the approval for quotes, and also it makes it convenient for both clients and the sales agents. It is also more secure than the normal email methods.
- E-signature technology is well suited for the cloud computing, and it can be accessed from any platform. The whole signing process happens in online, so it saves time.
Why Choose Adobe EchoSign?
- Ease of set up and administration:The documents can be easily setup for the signature by using the EchoSign. It will provide templates to generate the document in a user-friendly manner.
- Ease of use: The way of handling the documents is easy with EchoSign. The user interface is most suitable for the users who send or receive documents for electronic signature. In addition, Dashboard views provide additional details about the documents
- Seamless integration with products you already use:The EchoSign application integrates with many platforms that use the cloud computing technology for ex: Salesforce, SugarCRM, Microsoft Dynamics, and etc.
- Industry-standard security:Echo sign provides strong security for the documents that are sent for the e-signature, and the documents are encrypted with full AES 256-bit SSL security. Every action in the app is logged to the users’ appropriate EchoSign account. All the contracts are converted to a secure PDF format, and also it will provide the password option for the signature.
Installing the Echo Sign
1. Install Adobe EchoSign from AppExchange

- After installation, a few simple steps are required for configuring the EchoSign. First, click EchoSign Admin tab:

Step 1: Setup the Trusted IP Ranges for Echo sign.

Once IP Range is added, close that Pop-up window.

Step 2: For getting the automatic updates, add your Salesforce user name and password in EchoSign Automatic Update Settings, click the ‘Next’ button to continue.

Step 3: Get the EchoSign API key from your EchoSign account, and save it in Salesforce.

- Do not check the option ‘Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated’ under Session Settings.
- If you run into a problems with sending agreements, you can contact EchoSign Support to ensure that your EchoSign account is slotted in the right channel for the Salesforce integration, which is the default for Salesforce users.
- EchoSign for Salesforce requires that you have cookies enabled on your browser. Please also check that third-party cookies are enabled as that is required in some browsers to fully access the application pages.
Adding EchoSign Agreements List On The Contact, Opportunity, Account, Leads And Contracts Page Layouts
The steps below describe how to associate Agreements with a Contact object, but they can be applied to any other object referenced from the Agreement object – Opportunities, Accounts, Leads and Contracts.
-> Go to Setup / Customize / Contacts / Page Layouts

-> Click ‘Edit’ next to Contacts Layout

-> Click ‘Related Lists’, then drag and drop the ‘Agreements’ list to the desired place on the page layout

-> Click ‘Save’
Creating an Agreement Template
To create a new EchoSign Agreement Template, follow the steps below:
- Select ‘EchoSign’ on the menu at the top right of the screen
- Click the ‘Agreement Templates’ tab
- Click ‘New’

- Master Object Type – Master object used for master references in the agreement templates. Here, you can define field mapping, recipients and attachments for the Master object. If you have a Master Object defined in the Agreement Template, you should send the agreement from a ‘Send to EchoSign’ button on the Master Object
- Default – This option is used to set the default template for the new agreements. You can also define the new templates for the agreements the override the default agreement templates. You can create a custom ‘Send To Echo Sign’ button that is associated with the specific agreement templates.
- Available for Publisher Actions – The EchoSign Chatter Publisher Action allows users to send agreements from Chatter. For example, if the Master Object is Opportunity, then checking this box will enable users to send the agreement template from any Opportunity Chatter feed.

• Enter an Agreement Name. Optionally, add a message and select a signature type and recipient language.

Optionally, choose the Signer Verification Method for signers in your EchoSign account and signers outside of your EchoSign account:
o Password to sign agreement
o Knowledge based authentication
o Web identity authentication
• Optionally, assign a password to open the PDF of the signed agreement.

If you have a merge mapping or data mapping that you want to automatically run with agreements using this agreement template, then specify the mappings in this section.

• Automatically associate an Account, Opportunity, or Contract to this agreement template by entering the specific ID or a Salesforce variable such as {!Id}. This will allow your Agreements list in the referenced object to contain agreements sent with this agreement template.
• Make sure to save your agreement template to view the section called ‘Add Recipients. ‘You can add up to 6 recipients as signers.
• Click the ‘New Add Recipient button.

Choose the Recipient Type and Recipient Role and click Next.

Choose the Contact and save it. And, similarly enter data for File Attachment and Agreement Fields sections.

Manage Agreements
Click the Manage Agreement Tab

Waiting For Me to Sign – It will have the documents that are waiting for the current user’s signature
Out for Signature – it contains the group of documents which are sent out for Signature
Signed-This will have the documents that are signed.
Canceled-This will contain cancelled or declined Documents
Preview the documents

Sharing the Agreements
You can share the Agreements by using ‘Share Agreement’ feature.

Creating a Reminder for the document

Keeping the history of the Agreements

Echo Sign Merge Mappings
Open the EchoSign Merge Mappings Tab
When To Use Field Mapping or File Mapping or Merge Mapping
Both Merge Mapping and Field Mapping are done when the agreement reaches to certain stages:
- Signed / Approved.
- Waiting For Counter-Signature Approval.
- Out For Signature /Approval
- Canceled / Declined
-> Enter the name for your Merge Mapping

Merge Mapping Items

Select the Target Document Field to map with object field

- Enter the Data Mapping Name
- Check the Default Data Mapping check box to make the mapping as a default one

Fields Mapping
Select the Agreement that you want to map the fields

Add Mapping

1) Which Salesforce Object to Update? & Which Salesforce Field to Update?
We can select which object and field to be updated, when the agreement reaches the certain stage.
2) Where is the Data Coming From? – Select Type
Here we can select the source of the value to update the field on the selected object. The values come from the following three places:
- EchoSign Form Field
- Agreement Field
- Constant
File Mapping

File Mapping is similar to the Field Mapping; here, we can specify the files that are updated, when the agreement reaches a particular Stage.
Sending an Agreement Using EchoSign for Salesforce
Create a new agreement by clicking ‘New’ on the Agreements tab or on the Agreements related list in one of the related objects (Contact, Opportunity, Lead, etc.)
1. Specify the recipients. If you have multiple recipients, you can reorder them before sending.
2. Name the agreement, type a message, select signature type and language
3. Select the relevant sending options and security options
4. Attach files from your computer or from the Salesforce Documents or from Salesforce Files and Content. If you have multiple file attachments, you can reorder them before sending.
5. Click the ‘Send for Signature’ button

Example for sending an Agreement to Sign.
Create a Quote


Open the Agreement Tab
- Specify the Recipients

Fill the Agreement Details, Agreement Options and Security Options

Upload the Generated Quote from the Attachment Section

Click Send for Signature to send the document for sign

- 1. The document is sent out for signature.
- The echo sign will generate the signature digitally without downloading and sign it
- We can directly sign the document from the window itself

Now, place the Signature field and signer info fields and date fields into the document. Then click Send button.

Now you have received the mail like this above. Click the ‘Click here to review and e-sign.’ link to start signing. Finally, your signature is embedded with your document.

Now you have successfully e-signing, and the sender will see your signed document in Salesforce.
To learn more about Adobe Echo Sign, please visit here: Adobe EchoSign Documentation