Why we need BrowserStack?
All the testers and developers might have been facing the issue of their “native website or native App is not compatible with all the browsers” or “Website is working fine in Chrome but not working in IE & edge “. For that issue, BrowserStack become the solution. Here there are 1100+ real desktop browsers were available to do the Cross-Browser testing lively. We can test our website across various browsers to verify whether it is working fine as expected in all the OS versions. Once the website is developed then the developer can also verify their website by checking the compatibility in the browsers or tester can also test it.
BrowserStack is a tool that gives users a platform to test their desired websites across various browsers on different operating systems including mobile devices. It is a Cloud based technology so there is no need to install any software to do the browser compatibility testing. It provides a maximum of browsers for testing, even it is a beta version.

Features in BrowserStack:
- Live
- Automate
- App Live (Beta)
- Screenshots
- Responsive
Features in BrowserStack in Live:
- Instant access:
1100+ real devices are available in BrowserStack, Operating systems like
- Windows OS, from XP to 10,
- Mac OS from Snow Leopard to Sierra,
- Android OS from Donut (1.6) to Nougat (7.1) (Specially for Mobile testing)
- iOS from iOS 3 to iOS 10 (To test iPhones and iPads.
All devices are always available for everyone all the time, there is no queue to do the testing in our desired browsers.
Features in BrowserStack in App Live (Beta):
App Live is the one of the most useful parts of BrowserStack. Using this, we can implement a new App and test on the implemented App. As same as testing in physical device, we can test our App lively through BrowserStack cloud devices. App Live is only available for iOS and Android not for the Windows.
Steps to test an APP:
1: First we need to select the App/ upload our native app to BrowserStack.
2: We need to select the device to be tested. On live, we can test on the device.

*For creating a new App, first we need to install the Android Studio Plugin.
Here is the link which defines the Features, Requirements, Installation about the Android Studio Plugin “https://www.browserstack.com/app-live/android-studio-plugin “.
Features in BrowserStack in Screenshots:
BrowserStack is perfect for testing responsive web design for a vast range of screen sizes and resolutions instantly without trying out each browser combination manually. Rapidly, we can test our designs and layouts by generating screenshots on 1100+ mobile and desktop browsers with just a click.
We can take 25 browser’s screenshots at a time. This is also called as URL testing. It will give us a view how the design will be on the devices.
Steps to get the screenshots:
1: We need to enter the URL, Ex: I’m giving the URL as www.mstsolutions.com.
2: We need to select the browsers (Selected browsers were highlighted).

3: After selecting the browsers, click on the Generate screenshot button.

4: The requested screenshots will be generated, if we want we can download the screenshot.

5: Users will be able to share the screenshots, Once the user clicks on the ‘Generate Screenshots’, the URL will update with a unique Job ID for the current session. We can share the screenshots through the given URL.
Another way of getting screenshot is the user preferred screenshot on the desired page. While doing testing on the live, Users will always have the option to take a screenshot over there.
In Live:
While opening the browsers for live testing, users will be shown the below tool box. So, we can generate the screenshot from here also.

Step 1 – Live Screenshots: By clicking on the camera button, we can take a screenshot. We can also save and download the screenshot from BrowserStack.
Step 2 – Issue Tracker is a bug reporting tool. It is one of the useful features of BrowserStack Live which allows you to capture bugs of the visible area in the remote browser and highlights any issues you find. After generating screenshot, we can save it to issue tracker.
Features in BrowserStack in Responsive:
BrowserStack-Responsive feature allows the user to verify whether their website is responsive over all the devices.
Steps to verify the Responsiveness:
Step 1: We need to enter the URL of the website.
Step 2: Click the generate button.

Step 3: All the listed devices will show the website’s responsiveness. By selecting the devices, we can see the responsiveness of the site in every device.

Other attractive features of BrowserStack:
- Maximum market coverage
- Every device available for everyone. All the time.
- Zero setup. Zero maintenance.
- Find and fix bugs instantly.
- Test development environments.
- Natural gestures and interactions.
- Standard testing environment.
- Uncompromising security.
- Rapid checks with Screenshots.
Steps to register with BrowserStack:
Step 1: Launch the URL “https://www.browserstack.com”.
Step 2: Click on the Sign up for free button, it will redirect to the Sign me up page.
Step 3: Input your Email, Password and Full Name then click on the sign me up button.
Step 4: Confirmation email will be sent your registered email.
Step 5: In your email, select the confirmation your account. Your free account will be activated.
BrowserStack Pricing:
BrowserStack allows users to work with the free plan of 30Minutes Live, 100 Screenshots, 100 Min Automate after that every user needs to buy a plan to continue working with BrowserStack.
The below are the plan details for purchase.

BrowserStack is the best tool to do the cross-browser testing, which satisfies all the needs of customers while Testing and developing. BrowserStack is an effective, reliable and fast performing tool.
Reference Link: