With the rapid evolution of businesses across the world today, one of the key challenges all the businesses face is capturing duplicate data systematically and maintaining high-quality data. The solution is DupeCatcher, the first real time Salesforce deduplication app with 100% Apex developed and deployed as a managed package native to Salesforce. It’s a cloud-based service for the Salesforce De-duplication activities. It offers a real time cataloging and blocking pf the duplicates in Lead, Accounts as well as Person Account and Contact.
Let me walk through the working mechanism of the DupeCatcher App in detail.
How to set up the DupeCatcher Application?

The Dupe Catcher Application Settings has unique options as following:
- To mark the all possible external source of Leads will never be blocked and those will be inserted into the business. However, it sends out alerts to the Salesforce/DupeCatcher admin to review the duplicates and take appropriate actions.
Note: When the Web Lead Source list is empty, the DupeCatcher blocks the records based on the filters and rules that you have set, and also it will not send out any alerts to anyone that the records were blocked.
- In certain situations, if any user needs to bypass DupeCatcher Filters for one-off entry or data upload, the listed user’s Leads will not be subject to DupeCatcher filtering.
- To show the pop up reminder for duplicates while inserting/updating, we must enable “Set Immediate Reminder for Tasks” checkbox.
- To allow the users to override the duplicate alerts, enable Allow Override of Blocked Duplicates checkbox; however, this doesn’t work for inline editing.
Note: Due to API Limitations, the Override function is available only in Enterprise edition and higher editions.
- The DupeCatcher Filter Rules match with the following Email domains to ignore those domains getting scanned.

- The DupeCatcher will also ignore these additional email domains, as explained in #5.
How to create the DupeCatcher Filter?
On the DupeCatcher App, the first action is to create a DupeCatcher Filter to block the duplicate records getting created and updated in Salesforce.

Filter Name: Unique name for the DupeCatcher filter.
Filter Type: Select the type of record that requires duplicate check.
- Lead
- Lead(Person)
- Lead to Account
- Lead to Account(Person)
- Lead to Contact
- Account
- Account(Person)
- Contact
Match on Insert Action: Select the action to be taken when the duplicate is identified while inserting records into the Salesforce org.
- Do Not Insert
- Do Nothing
- Display Matching Records
- Report Duplicate
a. Do Not Insert – Duplicates are not inserted; an alert message is shown on the edit page with matching records.
b. Do Nothing – The rule is ignored for insert, but the related update rule is enforced.
c. Display Matching Records – Report the duplicates in the format of hyperlinked table.
d. Report Duplicate – This option allows the duplicates and those are reported to the SF/ DupeCatcher Admin. The set of alerts stored under the DupeCatcher Duplicate Alert tab. By using matching action, Merge and Convert actions can also be done.
Match on Update Action: Select the action to be taken when the duplicate is identified while updating records to the Salesforce org.
- Do Not Update
- Do Nothing
- Report Duplicate
a. Do Not Update – Duplicates are not updated; an alert message is shown on the edit page with matching records.
b. Do Nothing – The rule is ignored for update, but the related insert rule is enforced.
c. Report Duplicate – This option allows the duplicates and those are reported to the SF/DupeCatcher Admin. The set of alerts stored under the DupeCatcher Duplicate Alert tab. By using matching action, Merge and Convert actions can also be done.
Search All Records: If this checkbox is enabled, then DupeCatcher will check and report the duplicates by matching All records within the Salesforce org. Otherwise, it searches and matches with only the records visible to the individual user entering new record.
Active: This acts as a switch to control the filter turn on/off as required, instead of deleting those items.
Create Tasks for Alerts: This option creates tasks when the duplicate match is found Insert/Update Action with Report Duplicate filter option
Error Message: To create a customized error message for the DupeCatcher filter, when the duplicates are identified.
How to create the DupeCatcher Filter Rule?
Under the DupeCatcher Filter detail page, the filter rule is created. Here, the user needs to select the name of Standard/Custom field and the method of matching approach to be used for that Filter rule.

Field: Select the Standard/Custom field that you want to use to identify duplicates.
Matching Approach: Select the method of approach to match the duplicate records. It will include the following options.
- Exact: One to One matching.
- First N Letters: N stands for Number and Its user defined one.
- Domain: Matches the domain of email addresses (text that follows an @ symbol)
Match Blanks: If selected, DupeCatcher will block duplicates based on the fields selected in the rules, even if the users leave those fields with blank values.
For example, if the Rule checks the email field, and the email field is left blank, then DupeCatcher will return a list of matching records with blank email address.
To learn more about the DupeCatcher, please visit here:
- https://www.dupecatcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/DupeCatcher-Users-Manual.pdf
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZnGciZ1yMI
As a final note, the DupeCatcher ensures the data generated in your database are unique or not duplicate. Using the different filters and rules, it works efficiently to stop Salesforce duplicates before they become a costly business problem.