This feature was introduced in Summer 19, and it allows us to send the customized notifications to multiple users when important events occur; for example, notify users when a big deal is closed. We can fully customize the notification based on our need, and it keeps the other users on same page by providing relevant information at the right time.
Steps to Setup Custom Notification
1. From Setup, enter Notification builder in the Quick Find box, and then Select Custom Notifications
2.Create a custom notification type and define where we want to show the notification–Desktop or Mobile.
3.Create a Process Builder for Opportunity object and set the criteria as whenever the opportunity stage is ‘Closed Won’.
4.Click ‘add action’ and select the action type as ‘Send Custom Notification’ and then select the ‘Notification Type’ which you created previously. Now, select the Notification Recipient such as User, Owner, Group, and Queue (who wants to receive the notifications). Finally, define the notification title and notification body.
5.Now, open any Opportunity & change the Stage to ‘Closed Won’. User will get notification as shown below.
Reference Link: