SharePoint is a tool to connect people and information. It provides a central site for sharing information with other users. SharePoint is web-based and accessible from anywhere in the world via an internet connection.
SharePoint provides places to store and share ideas, information, communication and documents. The sites facilitate team participation. The document libraries allow for easy checking in and checking out of documents and version control.
REST – REpresentation State Transfer.
API – Application Programming Interface.
SharePoint can be integrated using REST API, CAML Query and SOAP. With the help of its rich pre-defined REST API, we can develop application in any platform to utilize SharePoint features.
Example to Get a data:
$. ajax ({ url: URL, //THE ENDPOINT method: "GET", headers: {“Accept": "application/JSON; odata=verbose”}, success: function (data) { console.log (data.d. email) //RESULTS HERE!! } });

OData query operators supported in the SharePoint REST service
Example API: http://server/site/_api/web/lists(‘guid’)/items?$select=Title,Products/Name&$expand=Products/Name

Below, I have listed some Rest API list and it provides the details as to how to get the values from the API. This is much helpful for beginners.
Site Information API:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/SiteUserInfoList
Users Information API:
- To get Current User Information by using this API
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/ currentUser
- To get all site users information by using this API
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/siteusers
- To get particular group site users information by using this API
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/sitegroups(GroupId)/users
- To get particular group site users information by using this API
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/sitegroups(GroupId)/users/getbyid(UserId)
Group Information API:
- To get all group information:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/sitegroups
- To get group information by using groupID:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/sitegroups/GetById(GroupId)
- To get a user group:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/ GetUserById(“+UserID+”)/Groups
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/Web/ currentuser/? $expand=groups’
LISTS Information API:
- To get all properties from the list:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/web/lists
- To get a particular property of the list:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Title’)
- To get the selected fields list:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Title’)/Items?select=ID,Title
- To get the selected fields list by using filter:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Title’)/Items?select=ID,Title&$filter=((ID eq 1) and (Title ne ‘zzz’))
- To get the selected fields list by using Expand:
Endpoint url: http://server/site/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Title’)/Items?select=*,list2/Title,list3/Title&$filter=((ID eq 1) and (Title ne ‘zzz’))&$expand=list2, list3
Postman – Chrome REST Application
We can utilize Google Chrome’s application – Postman to test the REST API calls before using it in our application. This application features output formats in JSON or XML which can be printed automatically.
Pass the Accept Header as application/JSON; odata=verbose to initiate the API calls. Also, you need to use interceptor to get the login cookies from the browser directly. After sending the API request, one may get
Result as:
{ "d": { "results": [ { (Array values) } } }